Accommodation on our tours
Before and after each husky tour you will stay overnight at the husky farm, where a guest house is available for this purpose. The guest house has four bedrooms, a bathroom with shower and a fully equipped kitchen.
Bedding and towels are provided.

On the tours we stay in simple mountain huts, lavvus – which are the traditional tents of the Samí – or mountain tents.
The mountain huts have no electricity and no running water. But all of them have the most important thing: a decent wood stoves, with which you can quickly get your four walls warm.
Snow often has to be melted for water. Some huts are located at a river or a lake. Here you can get water in open places, or you have to drill a hole in the ice with an ice auger to be able to draw water.
The huts have a very different level. Our hiking club DNT or TT (Den norske turistforeningen or Troms Turlag) has built many huts in daily intervals along the Norwegian/Swedish border. We like to use them especially in the Dividal National Park. On the Swedish side we can use the very simple huts of the Samí in some places.

Near the Dividal National Park and at Lake Altevatn/ or Leinavatn, the “rangers”, i.e. the nature wardens, have some overnight accommodations that we often use. They cover the entire level spectrum: from highly comfortable large cabins to the cabin that is very cozy but not too much space.
Only 30 kilometers from the husky farm we have set up a lavvu. A lavvu is a cone-shaped tent like many Indians use. In the scouts it goes under the name Kote, in the Indians under Tipi.
Our lavvu – we use the name of the Samí – is modified: Instead of an open fire, our lavvu is fired by a wood stove and the sleeping places are elevated. Both for a more comfortable sleep – because the heat is used much better. No one needs to freeze here.
The same is true for overnight stays in the tent, which occur mainly on the longer sled tours. Since we are fans of comfortable overnight stays, sleeping pads and reindeer skins insulate us from the cold of the ground, and the tents are also heated.
On tour, we always spend the night in a sleeping bag.