A long trip through mountains and forests
Also this tour starts by Lake Altevatn and goes through Swedish territory southwards in the direction of Jukkasjärvi passing the small Sàmi village at Vouskojaure.
After about two days the expedition leaves the mountain and comes into an area with hills. At the same height as Lake Vittangijärvi the first pine forest appears. This is the area that we like to call the Scandinavian Alaska. It is a medium high mountainous area with pine trees lying between the snow-covered mountains in Norway in the west and the Finish flatland in the east. As the expedition moves deeper into the Swedish primeval forest, the wood gets denser. In the last months of winter, reindeer herds come here before they go westwards in the spring. The distance that the reindeer lay behind in 12 months, we do in 10 days.

At the small place Jukkasjærvi, just south of Kiruna, the expedition turns in the north-west direction to the ice on the river Torneelva. Following this river we move slightly uphill again. Depending on the weather and snow, we reach the Norwegian side either over Vouskojaure or over the mountain between Torneträsk and Altevatn.
The Sàmi’s snow scooter tracks make up a main part of the route. Therefore, we can count on progress, even though the weather may vary.
The area that this expedition goes through is not accessible for anyone. This means that the number of the cabins and shelters underway are limited. A warming campfire will guarantee comfort by the tents in the pine forest.
After a thorough briefing in dog sledding here on the huskyfarm, the participants handle their own sled and dog team on the tour. Usually, much sooner than expected the participant feel secure on the sled and with the dogs. The hardest part may be saying goodbye to the dogs after the 350 kilometre long tour through genuine nature comes to an end.