A long mountain tour to the centre of Sami culture
The destination of this tour is Kautokeino, a village in the southwest of Finnmark and a stronghold of Sami culture. As with the three-country corner tour, the route will take us through the breathtaking mountains north of Innset, across frozen lake plains and vast, untouched landscapes.
We will start the first tour (start 19.03) in Innset. The second tour (from 30.03) will go in the other direction from Kautokeino back to Innset. For both tours there will be an extra day of transport. So it will be +4, instead of the usual +3 days. The arrival for both tours should be planned to Innset, also the departure for both tours is from Innset. If necessary, an earlier departure or arrival from or to Alta is possible, depending on the tour. Please contact us personally for this.

Either way, we will of course have a detailed briefing day before the tour, where everyone can test dog sledding and any open questions can be clarified.
On the third day, the expedition starts on the ice of Lake Altevatn, which stretches over 40 kilometres. Swedish territory is reached via the adjoining lake Leinavatn. Here we head north over the tree line, into wide and open mountainous regions, past lakes and small Sami settlements.
On this tour we will have a supply depot near Helligskogen, so the sledges will not be too heavy. That’s a good thing, too, because we will have some climbs to master with the sleds.
After filling up our supplies, we head east across the wide plateaus of Finnmark through untouched nature. After 11 days and about 300 km on the Kuven we will reach Kautokeino.
On this tour we will not be able to sleep in huts throughout, so there will be overnight* stays in tents*.
No knowledge of dog sledding is required for this long expedition, as the participants follow the expedition leader with their sled and the leader is always available. The sledge driving can be learned quickly, but a good basic condition is absolutely necessary to enjoy the mountain stages.
The individual stages: mehr ...
Day 1: Arrival of the participants (or earlier if you wish).
Day 2: Briefing, equipment check, sled packing
Day 3: Innset – Lavvo
Day 4: Leinavatn
Day 5: Tent at Store Kamas
Day 6: Tent or cabin at Øvre Dividal National Park
Day 7: Pältsahytta (Sweden)
Day 8: Near Helligskogen
Day 9: Tent near Guolasjávri
Day 10: Tent
Day 11: Tent or hut
Day 12: Tent
Day 13: Kautokeino
Day 14: Transport back to Innset
Day 15: Earliest day of departure
The total length of the tour is about 300 kilometers.
Second tour (start 30.03) in the opposite direction.
For the dogs this tour will certainly be a high strain mehr ...
We can replenish supplies on the way, but we still have some altitude to climb and the snow conditions can change quickly.
The dogs should be helped, especially on ascents. If the dogs lose the desire and the fun of the work, we look pretty old.
We should try to get a feel for the mental and physical condition of the dogs. What have the dogs achieved so far? What is still ahead of them on the stage? Only when the condition of the dogs is assessed realistically will we know how to motivate and support them effectively at the right moment.
**With the dogs we are everything – without them nothing!

There will be a maximum of six of us on this tour, including the guide. Travelling for 12 days with a group you don't know is a long time. mehr ...
An unproblematic coexistence on this tour requires tolerance and willingness to help.
We will discuss the individual stages and possible route changes together during the tour. In case of doubt, the final decision always lies with the guide.
All daily chores outside, e.g. putting up and taking down the tent, melting snow, sawing wood, washing up, cooking food, etc. will be shared between us.
We take it for granted that a comradely attitude will dominate the agenda.
A tricky and hard to pin down issue is the condition mehr ...
In addition to the physical strain, the body is also stressed by the sometimes very low temperatures. The days are sometimes long and exposed, freezing is probably part of it, so you should not underestimate such a tour.
In a nutshell: the better you prepare yourself physically and mentally for this tour, the more fun you will have.
Perhaps the comparison is apt: *The physical demands are roughly equivalent to those of a longer bicycle tour with luggage in a slightly mountainous terrain.
Knowledge of dog sledding is not a prerequisite, but a great advantage. Knowledge of outdoor life, especially in the cold seasons, would be good.
The equipment is not much different from the other tours mehr ...
Only of the things that are easily lost, such as gloves and hats, does everyone need replacements.
With all equipment, it is urgent to make sure that no item is untested. Nothing is worse than a new jacket that doesn’t prove to be windproof or where the seams come apart on the first wear. All warmer clothing must be easy to put on under or over each other.
(see also Equipment list)