A very long tour through the different landscapes of the north
After last years´ expedition to mount Kebnekaise in Sweden the idea was born to combine two of our tours to one long expedition travelling on seldom used trails through all the different landscapes of the North.
The plan was to visit the northernmost tip of Sweden as well as the wide area North of Kiruna and the Dividal National Park in Norway.
At first this idea seemed to be quite venturous. The tour would be two days longer than the Kebnekaise tour, the sleds would be much heavier and, on the contrary to the Kebnekaise tour, we would be travelling through a huge area without the access to cabins which are usually provided on the routes more touristy developed for skiers and hikers.

But this problem was solved and we decided to offer this expedition. Thanks to our good relationship to a Sami siddha (a Sami community), the Saarivuoma Sameby, it is possible to rent cabins on our way, f.e. in Övre Suppero, a Sami village. There we are planning to have one day of rest.
These nights in the cabins will be a nice change to the nights in the tent and will give us the possibility to dry our clothes and equipment.
Especially on the first days of the expedition we will be riding very heavy sledges, not making long distances per day. But we will be travelling on Lake Altevatn first and then mostly downhill to the East, so the weight will be manageable.
After two days through the Norwegian mountains we will reach the Swedish taiga. Approximately on the fourth day we can look forward to a warm campfire in the boreal forest of the area around Jukkasjärvi.
All the way from Lake Vittangijärvi to Järämä there is taiga and swamps, but North of Järäma we will travel above the tree line until we reach the birch tree forest around the Treriksroysa, the meeting point of the three borders of Finland, Sweden and Norway.
We will be back in the mountains by then, and in Norway. Riding our sleds through the Norwegian mountains and the Dividal Nationalpark we will reach Innset and the Huskyfarm again.