Here is the Huskyfarm Innset
Imagine an area that covers a larger area than Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg put together. An area that has been spared from industry and provides each inhabitant with more space than two square kilometers.
A good half year of snow lies over almost endless tundra; as far as the eye can see – no sign of human civilization. Slight hills on the high plateaus, rugged mountains on the coast, on which the snow does not melt even in midsummer.
This is the north of Northern Europe. Europe’s loneliest and most inaccessible region. It lies halfway between center Europe and the North Pole.
To the north lie the Arctic Ocean and the Barents Sea – kilometers of coastline where only very rarely does a human set foot. To the south, toward the Arctic Circle, stretch the swamps and endless forests of flat Finland and Sweden.

Only to the west towards the coast of the North Sea rises the massif of one of the oldest mountains in the world. Wide valleys and barren mountain landscapes, where the tree line rarely exceeds 700 meters in altitude, characterize this rustic landscape of the European Arctic.
Right outside our doorstep is an area that makes dog sledding and hiking in several directions over thousands of kilometers possible without having to cross more than one road.
The landscape constantly changes between almost alpine mountains and deep forests crossed by numerous rivers, lakes and swamps.